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漢 : China
↑ click kanji to animate ↑
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 1487 |
Unicode: | 06f22 |
jis208: | 20-33 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
漢 Usage examples
漢字制限論 | the question of limiting the use of Chinese characters |
漢蔵語 | Sino-Tibetan (languages) |
漢朝 | Han Dynasty |
漢プリ | kanji printer |
振り漢字 | kanji printed as ruby, usually to explain kana |
河漢 | Milky Way |
旧漢字 | old-style kanji |
羅漢柏 | hiba false arborvitae (species of cypress, Thujopsis dolabrata) |
漢 | man among men |
漢 | man |
漢検 | kanji test, test of kanji skills |
漢字試験 | kanji test, test of kanji skills |
漢字検定 | test of kanji skills, kanji test |
蜀漢 | Shu-Han (dynasty of China, 221-263 CE) |
漢字音 | Japanese pronunciation of a kanji (based on adopted Chinese pronunciations) |
後漢 | Later Han Dynasty (of China; 947-950 CE) |
没風流漢 | prosaic person, person of an unromantic turn of mind, philistine |
破廉恥漢 | shameless man, knave |
教育漢字 | list of 1,006 kanji taught in Japanese primary schools |
大漢和辞典 | Dai Kanwa Jiten (major Kanji Dictionary, edited by Morohashi Tetsuji) |
痴漢行為 | groping, molestation |