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肝 : Liver
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liver, pluck, nerve, chutzpah
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 肉 (130) |
Usage Rating: | 1118 |
Unicode: | 0809d |
jis208: | 20-46 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
肝 Usage examples
生き肝 | liver taken from a living animal |
流行性肝炎 | epidemic hepatitis |
肝胆相照らす 肝胆相照す | to be profoundly compatible, to be inseparable |
肝葉 | lobe of the liver |
肝に銘じる | to be deeply impressed, to take to heart, to bear in mind |
肝を冷やす | to be struck with terror, to be terrified, to be scared to death |
あん肝 鮟肝 | monkfish liver, goosefish liver |
肝臓がん 肝臓癌 | liver cancer |
砂肝 | gizzard |
肝吸虫 | Chinese liver fluke (Clonorchis sinensis), Oriental liver fluke |
肝臓移植 | liver transplantation |
肝機能 | liver function |
肝不全 | liver failure |
度肝 ド肝 | guts, pluck, nerve, spirit |
肝疾患 | liver disease |
肝を据える | to do with determination |
肝をつぶす 肝を潰す | to be amazed, to be astounded, to be stunned |
ウイルス性肝炎 | viral hepatitis |
肝癌 肝がん 肝ガン | liver cancer (esp. hepatoma) |
肝炎ウイルス | hepatitis virus |
慢性肝炎 | chronic hepatitis |
脂肪肝 | fatty liver |
肝細胞 | hepatocyte, liver cell |
肝機能障害 | impairment of liver function |