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観 : Outlook
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outlook, look, appearance, condition, view
み.る しめ.す
Strokes: | 18 |
Radical: | 見 (147) |
Usage Rating: | 476 |
Unicode: | 089b3 |
jis208: | 20-49 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
観 Usage examples
経済観念 | sense of economy |
天体観測 | astronomical observation |
楽観主義 | optimism |
観楓会 | get-together to enjoy the autumn foliage |
止観 | Tendai |
小主観 | small ego |
道観 | Taoist temple |
花を観る | to view (cherry) blossoms, to look at flowers |
楼観 | watchtower |
言語学的観念論 | linguistic conceptualism |
観劇会 | theater party, theatre party |
観光局 | (national) tourist bureau |
観光旅行 | (sightseeing) tour |
観賞魚 | aquarium fish |
観測者 | observer |
観測地点 | observation point (site) |
観測網 | observation network |
市内観光 | city sights |
コロナ観測所 | corona observatory |
緯度観測所 | latitude observatory |
科学観測衛星 | scientific research satellite |
海洋観測 | oceanographic observation |
文化観光省 | Minister for Culture and Tourism |
既成観念 | ready-made ideas |
固着観念 | fixed idea, idee fixe, obsession, fixation |
地所観念 | the orientation of time and place, awareness of the existing situation |
内観療法 | Naikan therapy (type of group psychotherapy) |
観相術 | (the art of) physiognomy |
貞観 | Jougan era (859.4.15-877.4.16) |
永観 | Eikan era (983.4.15-985.4.27) |
観念連合 | association (e.g. of two concepts) |
観察日記 | (nature, etc.) observation diary |