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漱 : Gargle
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gargle, rinse mouth
くちすす.ぐ くちそそ.ぐ うがい すす.ぐ
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 2054 |
Unicode: | 06f31 |
jis208: | 62-91 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
漱 Usage examples
枕流漱石 | sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument |
漱石枕流 | sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument |
石に漱ぎ流れに枕す | refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument |