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岩 : Boulder
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 山 (46) |
Usage Rating: | 787 |
Unicode: | 05ca9 |
jis208: | 20-68 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
岩 Usage examples
岩戸 | rock door (to a cave) |
岩石学 | petrology |
岩田帯 | belt used for back support after fifth month of pregnancy |
岩肌 | bare rock, rock surface, rock face |
岩室 | cave |
岩根 | rock |
岩脈 | dike |
岩清水 | water trickling from rocks |
岩魚 | char, charr |
岩場 | rocky area, rockface, rock wall |
岩雲雀 | alpine accentor (Prunella collaris) |
岩窟 | cave, cavern |
岩漿 | magma |
岩壁 | wall of rock, rock cliff, rock face |
岩燕 | Asian house martin (Delichon dasypus) |
岩層 | rock formation |
岩頭 | top of a massive rock |
砕岩機 | rock crusher |
アルカリ岩 | alkali rock |
シルト岩 | siltstone |
塩基性岩 | basic rock |
火砕岩 | pyroclastic rock |
火山岩尖 | volcanic spine |
花崗岩質マグマ | granitic magma |
花崗閃緑岩 | granodiorite |
泥岩 でい岩 | mudstone |
岩絵の具 岩絵具 | natural mineral pigments |
閃緑岩 | diorite (a type of rock similar to granite) |
ハンレイ岩 斑糲岩 斑レイ岩 | gabbro (a type of rock similar to granite) |
岩塊 | mass of rock, rock lump, block |
岩盤浴 | stone sauna, facility where one rests on towels laid on a slab of heated natural rock |
岩絵 | rock paintings, rock art |
岩板 | rock plate |
岩戸景気 | the economic boom of 1958-1961 |