末期の水 | attend a dying person |
来期 | next term |
好期 | ideal time |
黎明期 | dawning (of a new era), dawn |
短期手形 | short-term bill |
短期貸付 | short-term loan |
早期診断 | early diagnosis |
早期警戒機 | airborne early-warning system, AWACS |
短期間 | short term, short time |
期限を延ばす | to extend the term, to extend a deadline |
期日を早める | to advance the date (of) |
期待薄 | not to be depended on, of little hope |
週期 | cycle, period |
出穂期 | sprouting season (of ears of grain) |
千年期 | millennium |
定期便 | regular service |
平安後期 | late Heian period |
同期外れ | synchronisation loss (in digital communications), synchronization loss |
移行期間 | period of transition (e.g. from old to new system) |
夏期休暇 | summer vacation, summer holidays |
形成期 | formative period (e.g. of nation), formative year |
結婚適齢期 | marriageable age |
厳冬期 | coldest period |
後半期 | the last half-year, second half of the year |
試験期間 | test (testing) period |
自転周期 | rotation period |
成長期 | growth period, growing season |
前期試験 | midyear examinations |
早期発見 | early detection (of an illness) |
短期決戦 | decisive battle of brief duration |
短期集中講座 | short, intensive course |
通勤定期 | commutation ticket, season ticket |
定期検診 | periodic medical check-up (examination) |
定期試験 | regular (periodic) examination |
定期昇給 | regular (annual) pay raise |
定期乗車券 | season ticket, commutation (commuter) ticket |
定期戦 | regularly-scheduled game (match) |
提出期限 | (submission) deadline |
冬期休暇 | winter vacation (holidays) |
納付期限 | deadline for payment |
保証期間 | term of guarantee, warranty period |
末期症状 | terminal symptoms, sign of the approaching end |
満期日 | due date, date of maturity, expiration date, date of expiry |
有効期間 | term of validity, period for which (a ticket) is available (valid) |
間氷期 | interglacial period (epoch), interglacial |
毎期 | every term |
会合周期 | synodic period |
換羽期 | molting season |
四半期収益 | quarterly earnings |
四半期収益発表 | quarterly earnings announcement |
次期大統領 | next president, president-elect |
睡眠周期 | sleep cycle |
政府短期証券 | financing bill, FB |
早期退職 | early retirement |
早期退職制度 | early retirement program, early retirement programme |
短期ローン | short-term loan |