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規 : Standard
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standard, measure
すのり ただし のり み
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 見 (147) |
Usage Rating: | 349 |
Unicode: | 0898f |
jis208: | 21-12 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
規 Usage examples
雲形定規 | French curve |
規矩 | rule, standard, compass and ruler |
規則で縛る | to restrict (a person) by rule |
規則を守る | to abide (by the rules), to keep to the regulations |
正規化 | normalization (e.g. in floating-point representation system), normalisation, standardization, standardisation |
かき混ぜ規則 | scrambling |
句構造規則 | phrase structure rule |
語彙規則 | lexical rule |
主辞素性規約 | head feature convention, HFC |
超規則 | metarule |
文法規則 | grammar rule |
変形規則 | transformational rule |
関係法規 | related laws and regulations |
規制解除 | deregulation, removal (easing) of (official) restrictions |
規制緩和 | deregulation, removal (easing) of (official) restrictions, relaxation of regulations |
規則違反 | breach of the rules |
規定打席 | regulation at batting |
現行法規 | existing laws, regulations now (at present) in force |
施行規則 | enforcement regulations, misterial ordinance, regulations relative to the application of a law |
正規直交系 | normalized orthogonal system, normalised orthogonal system |
正規直交化 | ortho-normalization, ortho-normalisation |
環境規制 | environmental regulation |
環境法規 | environmental laws |
銃規制 | gun control |
小規模金融 | microfinance |
新規住宅着工件数 | housing starts |
政治資金規正法 | Political Funds Control Law |
規矩準縄 | rules and standards, norms, criteria |
規制改革担当大臣 | State Minister in Charge of Regulatory Reform |
規制改革 | regulatory reform |
規則通り 規則どおり | by the rules |
服装規定 | dress code |
規則性 | regularity |
規則動詞 | regular verb |
手前定規 | self-serving logic |
新規雇用 | new jobs |