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漁 : Fishing
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Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 1094 |
Unicode: | 06f01 |
jis208: | 21-89 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
漁 Usage examples
休漁 | suspension of fishing |
鮭漁 | salmon fishing |
農漁民 | the fishing and agrarian populace |
延縄漁 | longline fishing |
掃き溜めを漁る | to rummage a dustbin, to pick a garbage dump |
漁獲量 | haul (catch) (of fish) |
漁 | catch (e.g. of fish), haul |
トロール漁業 | trawl fishery |
沖合底引き網漁業 | offshore trawl fishery |
音響漁法 | acoustic fishing method |
農漁業 | agricultural and fishing industries |
大漁貧乏 | impoverishment of fishermen because of a bumper catch |
漁業者 | fisherman |
漁船員 | fisherman |
漁船乗組員 | fisherman |
漁協 | fishery cooperative |
かご漁 | fishing baskets (esp. for crabs, lobsters, etc.), lobster pots |
エビ漁 | shrimp fishing, shrimping |