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共 : Together
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together, both, neither, all, and, alike, with
とも とも.に -ども
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 八 (12) |
Usage Rating: | 174 |
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共 Usage examples
私共 | I, me, my store (business, etc.) |
餓鬼共 ガキ共 | those damn kids |
共役 共軛 | conjugation |
共働 | coaction |
共和政 | republicanism |
社共 | Socialist and Communist Parties |
時代と共に歩む | to move along with the times |
送料共 | including postage |
共布 共切れ | same cloth, spare cloth (e.g. for patching) |
南阿共和国 | Republic of South Africa |
母子共 | both mother and child |
名実共に | both in name and reality, both in name and substance |
両方共 | the two, both |
共通言語 | lingua franca |
共生生物 | symbiont |
共著者 | collaborator, coauthor, joint author |
共通一次試験 | common first-stage (university entrance) examination |
共同作業 | group work |
共同出資 | joint investment |
共鳴板 | sound(ing) board, resonator |
共訳者 | joint translators |
地方公共団体 | local public body |
中国共産党 | Chinese Communist Party |
共同権利者 | co-creditor |
共同義務者 | co-debtor |
共起 | cooccurrence |
核磁気共鳴 | nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR |
ファイル共有サービス | file-sharing service |
音楽共有 | music sharing |
共同企業体 | joint venture, consortium, JV |
共同軍事演習 | joint military exercise |
共同持ち株会社 | joint holding company |
共同捜査 | joint investigation |
公共事業費 | public-works spending |
公共物汚損 | vandalism |
磁気共鳴診断装置 | magnetic resonance imaging scanner, MRI scanner |
情報共有 | information sharing |
対共産圏輸出統制委員会 | Coordination Committee on Multilateral Export Controls |
独立国家共同体 | Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS |
ソビエト社会主義自治共和国 | autonomous soviet socialist republic, ASSR |
ソビエト社会主義共和国 | soviet socialist republic, SSR |
ガボン共和国 | Gabonese Republic |
ハイチ共和国 | Republic of Haiti |
ガイアナ協同共和国 | Co-operative Republic of Guyana |
ガンビア共和国 | Republic of the Gambia |
ガーナ共和国 | Republic of Ghana |
グアテマラ共和国 | Republic of Guatemala |