官と民の協力 | cooperation between the private and public sectors |
協働 | cooperation |
経協 | management association, management conference, management institute |
平和協力 | peace collaboration |
国際協定 | international agreement, accord |
妥協点 | (find) common (meeting) ground |
日米構造協議 | Structural Impediments Initiative talks, SII |
スワップ協定 | swap agreement |
多国間協議 | multilateral conference, multilateral negotiations |
アジア太平洋経済協力会議 | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC |
相互協力 | bilateral cooperation |
太平洋経済協力会議 | Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, PECC |
停戦協定 | cease-fire deal |
ガイアナ協同共和国 | Co-operative Republic of Guyana |
協議書 | memorandum of agreement, agreement, memorandum of understanding, MOU, letter of intent, heads of agreement |
協会旅費 | travel allowance paid to salaried wrestlers for tournaments held outside Tokyo |
自治体国際化協会 | Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, CLAIR |
平和協議 | peace conference |
一致協力 | combined (concerted) efforts, solidarity, joining forces (with) |
鳩首協議 | put heads together and confer, convene and discuss, go into a huddle (over) |
協心戮力 | combined (concerted) efforts, solidarity, joining forces (with) |
協力一致 | combined (concerted) efforts, solidarity, joining forces (with) |
協力態勢 | readiness to cooperate, framework for cooperation |
戮力協心 | combined (concerted) efforts, solidarity, joining forces (with) |
和衷協同 | harmonious cooperation, close cooperation |
自殺協定 | suicide pact |
欧州政治協力 | European Political Co-operation, EPC |
漁協 | fishery cooperative |
国際平和協力 | international peace cooperation |
協調関係 | cooperative relationship, partnership |
国際協調主義 | principle (or ideology) of international cooperation |
協力合意 | agreement to cooperate |
産学協同 | industry-university cooperation |
産学協同体 | educational-industrial complex |
認知的不協和 | cognitive dissonance |
非協力 | noncooperation |
一般協定 | general agreement |