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異 : Uncommon

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uncommon, different, queerness, strangeness, wonderful, curious, unusual

On 'yomi:
Kun 'yomi:
こと(koto) こと.なる(koto.naru)(ke)
Radical: (102)
Usage Rating:631
old JLPT:2
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異 Usage examples

(きょういてき)wonderful, astounding, marvellous
文化(いぶんか)foreign culture, foreign cultures
(いほう)foreign country
体同心(いたいどうしん)being of one mind, acting in one accord, behaving in perfect harmony
(いと)treasonable intent
国情緒(いこくじょうしょ)exotic mood, exotic atmosphere, exoticism
教徒(いきょうと)pagan, heretic
常性欲(いじょうせいよく)sexual abnormality
暖冬(だんとういへん)abnormally warm winter
染色体(せんしょくたいいじょう)chromosomal abnormality
(いしゅ)extraordinary appearance
な気分(いなきぶん)queer feeling
を立てる(いをたてる)to raise an objection, to voice an opinion different from those of others
常気象(いじょうきしょう)abnormal weather
性関係(いせいかんけい)relationships with the opposite sex
不純性交遊(ふじゅんいせいこうゆう)illicit sexual relationship
人種(いじんしゅ)alien (different) race
民族(いみんぞく)different race, different ethnic group, different peoples
型分裂(いけいぶんれつ)heterotypic division
系交配(いけいこうはい)exogamy, outbreeding
常心理学(いじょうしんりがく)abnormal psychology
常震域(いじょうしんいき)region of anomalous seismic intensity
常妊娠(いじょうにんしん)abnormal pregnancy
常分娩(いじょうぶんべん)abnormal delivery
食症(いしょくしょう)allotriophagy, pica
数性(いすうせい)aneuploidy, heteroploidy
遺伝子突然変(いでんしとつぜんへんい)gene mutation
芽条変(がじょうへんい)bud mutation
回転性体(かいてんいせいたい)rotational isomer
種移植(いしゅいしょく)xenotransplant, heterograft, heteroplastic transplantation, heteroplasty, heterotransplantation
端邪説(いたんじゃせつ)heretical doctrine (thought, faith)
遅発性運動(ちはつせいうんどういじょう)tardive dyskinesia
国趣味(いこくしゅみ)taste for the exotic, infatuation with a foreign way of life, exoticism
字同訓(いじどうくん)different kanji with the same Japanese reading (and usu. a similar meaning)
聞奇譚(いぶんきたん)strange stories and curious tales
(いるいいぎょう)strange-looking creatures, spirits and goblins
堅白同(けんぱくどうい)sophism, sophistry, quibbling
突如(とつじょいへん)sudden and dramatic event (incident), sudden and strange phenomenon
()different, odd, unusual
(いかい)spirit world, underworld, the next world
人館(いじんかん)Western style residences built mostly for early foreign settlers during the end of the Shogunate and the Meiji era
(へんいけい)variation, variant pattern
性化糖(いせいかとう)isomerized sugar, high fructose corn syrup
部分肺静脈還流(ぶぶんはいじょうみゃくかんりゅういじょう)partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection, PAPVC, partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage, PAPVD, partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, PAPVR
部分的肺静脈還流(ぶぶんてきはいじょうみゃくかんりゅういじょう)partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection, PAPVC, partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage, PAPVD, partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, PAPVR
部分肺静脈還流常症(ぶぶんはいじょうみゃくかんりゅういじょうしょう)partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection, PAPVC, partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage, PAPVD, partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, PAPVR
性愛(いせいあい)heterosexual love, heterosexuality
縁はなもの味なもの(えんはいなものあじなもの)inscrutable and interesting are the ways people are brought together
縁はなもの(えんはいなもの)inscrutable are the ways people are brought together, there is no telling how people are brought together
を唱える(いをとなえる)to raise an objection, to voice an opinion different from those of others
常行動(いじょうこうどう)abnormal behavior (behaviour)
型クロイツフェルトヤコブ病(へんいがたクロイツフェルトヤコブびょう)new variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, nvCJD