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菌 : Germ
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Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 艸 (140) |
Usage Rating: | 1586 |
Unicode: | 083cc |
jis208: | 22-61 |
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菌 Usage examples
好気性細菌 | aerobic bacteria |
好塩菌 | halobacteria |
葡萄状球菌 | staphylococcus |
抗酸菌 | acid-fast bacterium |
子嚢菌 子のう菌 | ascomycete, sac fungus |
菌 | germ, bacterium, bacillus |
グラム陰性菌 | gram-negative bacteria |
グラム陽性菌 | gram-positive bacteria |
サルモネラ菌 | salmonella |
パラチフス菌 | paratyphoid bacillus |
ペスト菌 | plague bacillus (Yersinia pestis) |
ボツリヌス菌 | Clostridium botulinum (bacteria that causes botulism) |
亜硝酸菌 | nitrite bacteria |
ビリダンス型連鎖球菌 | Streptococcus viridans |
バンコマイシン耐性腸球菌 パンコマイシン耐性腸球菌 | vancomycin resistant enterococci, VRE |
メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌 メチシリン耐性黄色葡萄球菌 | methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, MRSA |
リステリア菌 | Listeria monocytogenes |
炭疽菌 | Bacillus anthracis (anthrax bacteria) |
病原性大腸菌 | pathogenic E. coli bacteria (i.e. Escherichia coli O157:H7) |
無菌性髄膜炎 | aseptic meningitis |
溶血性連鎖球菌 | hemolytic streptococcus |
溶連菌感染症 | hemolytic streptococcal infection (haemolytic) |
ビフィズス菌 | Lactobacillus bifidus |
癩菌 | Mycobacterium leprae |
菌学 | mycology, fungology |
古細菌 | archaea, archaebacteria |
真正細菌 | bacteria, eubacteria |
緑膿菌 緑のう菌 | Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
セラチア菌 | Serratia marcescens |
日和見菌 | opportunistic pathogen |
菌血症 | bacteremia, bacteraemia (presence of bacteria in the blood) |
抗菌剤 | antimicrobial, antibacterial |
腸管出血性大腸菌 | enterohemorrhagic E. coli |
腸詰め菌 腸詰菌 | Clostridium botulinum (bacteria that causes botulism) |
連鎖球菌 レンサ球菌 | streptococcus |
食中毒菌 | bacteria capable of causing food poisoning |
ピロリ菌 | Helicobacter pylori |
納豆菌 | natto bacteria (Bacillus subtilis var. natto) |
乳酸菌飲料 | fermented milk drink (e.g. Yakult, Calpis, Calpico, etc.), lactic fermenting beverage |