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句 : Phrase
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phrase, clause, sentence, passage, paragraph, counter for haiku
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 口 (30) |
Usage Rating: | 1244 |
Unicode: | 053e5 |
jis208: | 22-71 |
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句 Usage examples
難句 | difficult phrase |
短句 | short phrase |
うたい文句 謳い文句 | catchphrase, promotional line |
句を切る | to punctuate a sentence |
句を作る | to compose a haiku poem |
隻句 | a few words |
名詞句 | noun phrase, NP |
句構造規則 | phrase structure rule |
句構造文法 | phrase structure grammar, PSG |
主辞駆動句構造文法 | head-driven phrase structure grammar, HPSG |
副詞句 | adverbial (adverb) phrase |
句碑 | slab with a haiku cut on it |
名文句 | witty (happy, apt) remark, well-worded saying, epigram, aphorism |
楽句 | (musical) phrase |
文句を付ける | to complain, to lodge a complaint |
文句なし 文句無し | undisputed, entirely, perfect |
相撲甚句 | sumo-themed song, song sung at sumo events |
形容詞句 | adjective phrase, adjectival phrase |
名詞相当語句 | noun equivalent (noun, pronoun, gerund, etc.), substantive |
仮定法相当語句 | subjunctive equivalent |
形容詞相当語句 | adjectival equivalent |
副詞相当語句 | adverb equivalent |
相当語句 | equivalent |
片言隻句 | few words, single phrase |
言々句々 言言句句 | every single word and phrase, each and every word |
一語一句 | every single word and phrase, each and every word |
一言隻句 | every single word and phrase, each and every word |
一字半句 | a single word, (not even) a word, (not even) a syllable |
一瞬絶句 | rendered speechless for a moment |
金言名句 | golden (wise) saying, aphorism, maxim |
五言絶句 | poem of four lines, each of five (Chinese) characters |
七言絶句 | poem of four lines, each of seven (Chinese) characters |
美辞麗句を連ねる | to declaim, to string together all sorts of flowery words |
四字成句 | Chinese four-character phrase or idiomatic expression |
聖句 | passage from scripture |
句心 | poetic instinct, taste for haiku |