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苦 : Suffering
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suffering, trial, worry, hardship, feel bitter, scowl
くる.しい -ぐる.しい くる.しむ くる.しめる にが.い にが.る
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 艸 (140) |
Usage Rating: | 623 |
Unicode: | 082e6 |
jis208: | 22-76 |
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苦 Usage examples
難行苦行 | penance, hardship |
業苦 | karmic suffering |
苦界に身を沈める | to become a prostitute (sink into a brothel) |
苦味素 | bitter principle |
苦しい言い訳 | lame excuse, poor excuse |
苦しい懐 | tight budget |
苦しがる | to suffer, to complain of a pain |
疾苦 | affliction, suffering |
借金で苦しむ | to be distressed with debts |
苦い薬 | bitter medicine |
苦い経験 | bitter experience |
苦り顔 | sour (wry) face |
楽あれば苦あり 楽有れば苦有り | After pleasure comes pain, There is no pleasure without pain, There is no rose without a thorn, Take the good with the bad |
苦無 | mediaeval farming tool for digging, prying, etc. |
苦学力行 | strenuous pursuit of learning under difficulties |
困苦欠乏 | hardships and privations |
焦心苦慮 | worrying oneself (about), being anxious (about), fidgeting (about) |
反間苦肉 | stratagem for causing a rift in the enemy camp by using a seditious plot |
苦労し抜く | to go through all sorts of hardships |
苦 | duhkha (suffering), anguish, suffering, distress, anxiety, worry, trouble, difficulty, hardship |
艱難苦労 | trials and tribulations, adversities, suffering hardships and troubles |
刻苦精進 | being arduous, working diligently enduring hardships, making a strenuous effort |
刻苦精励 | being arduous, working diligently enduring hardships, making a strenuous effort |
困苦窮乏 | hardships and privations |
辛苦艱難 | trials and tribulations, adversities, suffering hardships and troubles |
辛酸甘苦 | hardships and joys, tasting the sweets and bitters of life, (having seen much of life) being well-versed in the ways of the world |
善戦苦闘 | putting up a good fight against some odds |
苦手意識 | awareness that somebody will be hard to deal with, awareness that one is not good at something, (feeling) not up to doing something |
大の苦手 | dread, horror, hatred |
苦虫を噛み潰したよう 苦虫を噛み潰した様 苦虫を噛みつぶしたよう 苦虫をかみつぶした様 苦虫を噛みつぶした様 | sour (expression, as if having swallowed a bitter bug) |
ホロ苦い ほろ苦い | bittersweet, slightly bitter, something that has a strong taste that adults favor |
餓えに苦しむ | to be suffering from hunger |
苦に病む | to worry, to suffer |
苦集滅道 | Suffering, Source of Suffering Desire, The Cessation of Suffering, The Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering (The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism) |
苦菜 | Ixeris dentata (species of the daisy family) |
苦情調査官 | ombudsman |
苦は楽の種 | one cannot have pleasure without pain, no pain, no gain |
楽は苦の種苦は楽の種 | one cannot have pain without pleasure, and one cannot have pleasure without pain |
良薬は口に苦し | good medicine tastes bitter, the most helpful advice may be difficult to listen to |