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医 : Doctor
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doctor, medicine
い.やす い.する くすし
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 匸 (23) |
Usage Rating: | 437 |
Unicode: | 0533b |
jis208: | 16-69 |
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医 Usage examples
医学の祖 | founder of medical science |
医者に掛ける 医者にかける | to entrust to a doctor (for treatment) |
医者を呼ぶ | to call the doctor |
掛かり付けの医者 | family physician (doctor) |
臨床医 | clinician |
医学雑誌 | medical journal |
医学者 | medical scientist |
医師国家試験 | National Medical Practitioners Qualifying Examination |
医療技術 | medical technology |
医療費 | medical expenses |
皮膚科医 | dermatologist |
医科研 | Institute for Medical Sciences |
樹医 | tree surgeon (esp. for famous or old trees) |
スポーツ医学 | sports medicine |
医事訴訟 | medical suit |
医薬部外品 | quasi-drug, medicated products, quasi-medicine, product with relatively mild medicinal effect, sold in general stores as well as pharmacies |
医用テレメーター | medical telemeter |
医用生体工学 | medical biotechnology |
医用電子工学 | medical electronics |
医療保障 | medical security |
家庭医 | family doctor |
医療システム | medical system |
医療ミス | medical error |
医療関係者 | medical personnel |
医療少年院 | medical reformatory |
医療廃棄物 | hospital waste |
医療保険制度 | medical insurance system |
医療補助者 | paramedic |
救急医療 | emergency medicine |
健康医療団体 | health maintenance organization (organisation), HMO |
現代医療 | modern medicine |
再生医療 | regenerative medicine |
歯科医師国家資格試験 | National Dentistry Examination |
準医療活動従事者 | paramedic |
先端医療技術 | state-of-the-art medical technology |
代替医療 | alternative medicine |
東洋医学 | Oriental medicine, Eastern medicine |
補完医学 | complementary medicine |
放射線医学 | radiology |
医食同源 | a balanced diet leads to a healthy body, healthy food both prevents and cures sickness |
医者通い | course of medical treatment, under-the-doctor |
医療器具 | medical apparatus, medical instruments |
老人医療 | geriatrics |
医療従事者 | health care provider |
藩医 | Edo-period doctor working at a public clinic |
獣医師 | veterinarian |
医者に掛かる 医者にかかる | to consult a doctor |
予防医療 | preventive medicine |
医療事故 | medical error |
オーダーメード医療 オーダーメイド医療 | personalized medicine |
テーラーメード医療 テーラーメイド医療 | personalized medicine |
在宅医療 | home healthcare, medical treatment received at home |