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携 : Portable
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portable, carry (in hand), armed with, bring along
たずさ.える たずさ.わる
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 1017 |
Unicode: | 0643a |
jis208: | 23-40 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
携 Usage examples
携帯カメラ | hand camera |
杖を携える | to carry a cane |
手を携えて | hand in hand |
衛星携帯電話 | satellite-based mobile phone |
簡易型携帯電話 | personal handyphone system, PHS |
高機能携帯電話 | smart phone |
資本提携 | capital tie-up, capital alliance, alliance with capital involvement |
次世代携帯電話 | next-generation mobile phone |
包括的提携 | comprehensive tie-up |
相携える | to do something together |
携帯型 | portable (style) |
携番 | mobile phone number |
携帯番号 | mobile phone number |