溢血 | hemorrhage, haemorrhage |
汗血 | sweat and blood |
血液中の糖 | blood sugar |
止血帯 | tourniquet |
血が止まる | to stop bleeding |
血の塊 | clot of blood |
血の通った | warm, blood-circulating, compassionate |
血のつながり 血の繋がり | blood relationship |
熱血児 | hot-blooded man |
溶血 | hemolysis |
悪性貧血 | pernicious anemia, pernicious anaemia |
献血車 | mobile van where blood is collected from donors, bloodmobile |
人工血液 | artificial blood |
傍系血族 | collateral relation by blood |
血刀 | bloody sword (blade) |
リンパ性白血病 | lymphocytic leukemia |
異常血色素症 | hemoglobinopathy |
開放血管系 | open blood-vascular system |
外出血 | bleeding |
乾燥血漿 | dried plasma |
高脂血症 | hyperlipidaemia (hyperlipidemia, hyperlipemia), excessive fat in blood |
うっ血性心不全 | congestive heart failure, CHF |
血液ドーピング | blood doping |
血液製剤 | blood products |
血管形成 | angiogenesis |
血小板凝集 | platelet aggregation, thrombocyte |
酸血症 | acidosis |
出血熱 | hemorrhagic fever |
心血管疾患 | cardiovascular disease |
深部静脈血栓症 | deep vein thrombosis, DVT |
赤血球生成促進因子 | erythropoietin, EPO |
大量出血 | hemorrhaging |
脳内出血 | brain hemorrhage, brain haemorrhage |
慢性骨髄性白血病 | chronic myelogenous (myeloid) leukemia, CML |
無血革命 | bloodless revolution |
溶血性連鎖球菌 | hemolytic streptococcus |
虚血性 | ischemic |
鮮血淋漓 | dripping with fresh blood |
血液内科 | haematology, hematology |
白血球の数の低下 | agranulocytosis (not enough white blood cells) |
血縁関係 | blood relationship, blood relations, being genetically related |
屍山血河 | heaps of bodies and streams of blood, fierce battle |
少壮血気 | young and hot-blooded (impetuous) |
熱血教師 | enthusiastic schoolteacher |
貧血気味 | tending to anemia, being somewhat anemic |
流血淋漓 | dripping with fresh blood |
最高血圧 | systolic blood pressure |
弛緩出血 | atonic hemorrhage, atonic haemorrhage |
羶血 | stink of blood or meat, meat eating barbarian (i.e. Westerner) |
血臭 | the smell of blood |
血相を変える | to change facial expression or color (due to anger, embarrassment, etc.) |
脳血管疾患 | cerebrovascular disease |
脳血管 | cerebral blood vessel, cerebrovascular |
抗壊血病 | antiscorbutic, preventive against scurvy |
脳血管障害 | cerebrovascular disease |
血行不足 | lack of blood flow, poor circulation |
血管内 | intravascular |
非加熱血液製剤 | untreated (unheated) blood products |