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堅 : Strict
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strict, hard, solid, tough, tight, reliable
かた.い -がた.い
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 土 (32) |
Usage Rating: | 1049 |
Unicode: | 05805 |
jis208: | 23-88 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
堅 Usage examples
身持ちの堅い女 | chaste woman, virtuous woman |
堅い商売 | sound business |
堅パン | hard biscuits, hardtack |
堅材 | hard wood |
堅志 | iron purpose |
堅 | armour, armor, firmness |
志操堅固 | being of firm purpose and deep commitment, constancy, true blue |
要害堅固 | (a fortress being) impregnable, unassailable |
意志堅固 | strong determination, strong-willed, having strong will power, firmness of purpose |
堅忍持久 | dogged perseverance, untiring patience |
堅白同異 | sophism, sophistry, quibbling |
堅牢堅固 | firm and solid, stout and durable |
金剛堅固 | firm and solid, sturdy and indestructible, unshakable, adamantine |
道心堅固 | being of firm (unshakable) faith and strict practice |
道徳堅固 | of strict morals (moral principles), highly moral |
用心堅固 | very cautious (watchful, vigilant), taking every possible precaution |
堅焼き 堅焼 | hard-baked, hard |
口が堅い | tight-lipped, able to keep a secret |
中堅企業 | medium-sized enterprise (business, firm) |
堅剛 | firm and unyielding, rigid |