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抗 : Confront
↑ click kanji to animate ↑
confront, resist, defy, oppose
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 666 |
Unicode: | 06297 |
jis208: | 25-19 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
抗 Usage examples
揚抗比 | lift-drag ratio |
抵抗を試みる | to offer (put up) resistance |
せん断抵抗角 剪断抵抗角 | angle of shearing resistance |
チップ抵抗 | SMT resistor |
対抗意識 | (sense of) rivalry, competitiveness |
抗癌剤 抗がん剤 | anticancer drug |
抗酸菌 | acid-fast bacterium |
ソリッド抵抗器 | solid resistor |
滑り抵抗器 | sliding resistor |
抵抗体 | resistive element (in circuit, etc.) |
複合抗生物質製剤 | mixed antibiotic preparations |
インスリン抵抗性症候群 | insulin-resistance syndrome |
抗うつ剤 抗鬱剤 | antidepressant |
抗けいれん薬 抗痙攣薬 | anticonvulsant |
抗ヒスタミン薬 | antihistamine |
抗精神病薬 | antipsychotic drug |
政治的抵抗 | political resistance |
暴力団抗争 | gangland war |
徹底抗戦 | do-or-die resistance, resistance to the bitter end |
三環系抗うつ剤 | tricyclic antidepressant |
三環系抗うつ薬 | tricyclic antidepressant |
政治抗争 | political strife (antagonism, conflict) |
勢力拮抗 | struggle for supremacy between evenly-matched forces (parties) |
戦力拮抗 | struggle for supremacy between evenly-matched armies (teams) |
派閥抗争 | factional infighting (conflict), antagonism between factions |
抗独 | anti-German |
抗 | anti- |
特別抗告 | special kokoku appeal |
即時抗告 | immediate kokoku appeal |
抗壊血病 | antiscorbutic, preventive against scurvy |
抗加齢ドック | medical checkup that focuses primarily on problems that worsen with age |
抗ウイルス剤 | antiviral |
抗菌剤 | antimicrobial, antibacterial |
ヒト白血球抗原 人白血球抗原 | human leukocyte antigen, HLA |
抗原抗体反応 | antigen-antibody reaction, AAR |
抗老化 | anti-aging |
抗議運動 | protest campaign, demonstration |
HLA抗原 | human leukocyte antigen, HLA |