欠号 | missing issue (of magazine) |
記号で表す | to represent by signs |
信号待ち | waiting for a traffic light |
字号 | nickname |
次の号 | next number (issue) |
登記番号欄 | registry number column |
符号変換器 | signal converter, inverter |
符号解読 | decoding |
符号ひずみ | signal distortion |
符号づけ | encoding (act of encoding a signal) |
主信号 | main signal, traffic signal |
映像信号 | (computer) video signal |
記号トークン | sign token |
符号化文字集合 | coded character set, code |
文字符号化法 | character encoding scheme |
文字符号系 | character coding system |
ビタビ復号 | Viterbi decoding |
暗号帳 | codebook |
新年号 | New Year issue |
停止信号 | stop signal, stoplight |
登録番号 | registration number |
特大号 | special enlarged (bumper) issue |
内線番号 | extension number |
入力信号 | incoming signal, input signal |
量記号 | quantifier |
ウムラウト符号 | umlaut |
モールス符号 | Morse code |
宇宙船地球号 | Spaceship Earth |
移動加入者識別番号 | International Mobile Subscriber Identity, IMSI |
符号分割多元接続 | code division multiple access, CDMA |
番号帳 | directory or book of numbers (e.g. telephone nos) |
予約番号 | confirmation number |
符号語 | codeword |
六号記事 | (space) filler, fill-in (in magazines, newspapers, etc.) |
復号 | decoding, decryption |
原子番号 | atomic number |
郵便記号 | (Japanese) postal symbol |
私年号 | era name selected by commoners (as opposed to the imperial court) |
請求記号 | call number (e.g. of a book in a library) |
学士号 | baccalaureate |
諡号 謚号 | posthumous name (based the deeds one has performed in their lifetime) |
贈り号 諡号 | posthumous Buddhist name |
号口 | regular production, present model |
口座番号 | account number (bank, etc.) |
携帯番号 | mobile phone number |