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混 : Mix
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mix, blend, confuse
ま.じる -ま.じり ま.ざる ま.ぜる こ.む
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 824 |
Unicode: | 06df7 |
jis208: | 26-14 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
混 Usage examples
混然一体となる | to form a complete whole, to be joined together |
手の混んだ | intricate, elaborate, complicated, complex |
鼻歌混じりで働く | to work while humming a tune |
混ざり物 | impurity |
混じり合う | to be mixed together, to be blended, to intermingle, to commingle |
混合器 | mixer (frequency-changer) |
かき混ぜ規則 | scrambling |
混乱状態 | state of confusion |
加法混色 | additive mixture of colors, additive mixture of colours |
混合酸化物燃料 | mixed plutonium and uranium oxides fuel, MOX |
混合燃料 | blended fuel |
白髪混じり | grizzled, (hair) streaked with grey (gray) |
公私混同 | intermingling of public policy with private interest, mixing up official business with personal affairs |
虚実混交 虚実混淆 | mishmash of truth and untruth, mixture of fiction and fact |
混雑具合 | the state (degree) of congestion, how bad traffic jams are |
混迷状態 | chaotic state, turmoil, disarray, labyrinth |
神仏混淆 | mixture (synthesis) of Buddhism and Shintoism |
大混乱 | chaos, turmoil, pandemonium, havoc |
混合薬 | drug combination, drug cocktail |
雅俗混交 雅俗混淆 | mixture of both culture and vulgarism, mixture of both literary and colloquial (language) |
混炭 | coal blending, coal mixing |